I met up with them at a Staples to load up on Purell, but it was sold out. We chatted for quite a while, then Jes took me to Publix to show me the ropes. They are all wonderful people, and Jes is sooo sweet - she even shared her coupons with me.
This is what I bought with her guidance:
My oop was a Whopping $0.69 (tax only)!
The cashier rang a few things up wrong - the cookies were bogo and he didn't do that - so to adjust it, he put the adjustment in as store coupons. When I mentioned it would throw my coupon count off, he said it would be okay. Well, he did have to push a few through and grumbled over that some, but I reminded him about the adjustments he put in, so he put them through. My incorrect total was $45.69 +tax less $49.18 coupons = $0.69 of tax. I don't fully understand how it happened, nor exactly what happened - but I do know if he had rung it up right - it would have been clearer.
So the interesting question : should I add the ENTIRE $0.69 to my food total? Some of what I bought was not food, but it is impossible to determine the correct amount on food :)
What do you think? I have added it to my Challenge Budget, but tell me what you think.
amount spent today: $0.69
amount spent in July : $22.82
original amount available to spend: $100.00
amount available to spend for July : $77.18
Call me stupid, but what is BOGO, just the off-brand? and how do you get coupons for BOGO stuff?
BOGO is Buy One, Get One free. I didn't have a coupon for it, but a raincheck from a previous sale when they were bogo and out of stock.
I say, take the .69...divide it by the # of items you bought, and multiply that by the # of items that are food, and put that toward your food total. Easy enough? LOL
I say that it doesn't count because food shouldn't be taxed (Since you said it was tax). PS I'm jealous of you haul. Keep up the good work.
We have to go shopping again! :o)
I'm trying to start up my own blog...I don't know if I can keep up with it like you do, but I'm gonna try!!
I'm famous! :) Hehe. Thanks for mentioning me in your blog.
Food here in GA is taxed at 2%.
I like the divide it up by # of items idea.
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