This was a 13 HOUR trip - because we went so many places and just took time to enjoy ourselves.
First Stop: STAPLES for the .01 back to school sale
The plan was to buy the maximums with each person in our group (we took our children)2-3 times each so we could get a sufficient amount of supplies. Turned out that Teachers have a different limit - 25 of each item!!!
Soooo - lol
I gave my children each $1.75 to get whatever they wanted as a learning experience.
So their totals and mine together:
pencils - 68
folders - 91
purell - 65
binders - 34
highlighters - 2
total oop for all that = $23.35
and some belongs to my mom - including one of the highlighters so less $4.99 and $1.21 = $6.20
and I will apply for the rebate on the highlighters so less $4.99
total will be = $12.16
Second Stop: TARGET
I did get diapers - but they are for my neice, so they don't count - :) At the Target dollar spot, they had black dot items 75% off !
I'm not listing any of it due to the fact that I got lots of Stocking Stuffers - but no food, so onward!
Third Stop: CVS first:
$27.96 - (4) Soleil refils
-16.00 - (4) $4 C
-11.96 - paid with ecb
$ 1.12 - tax
$1.12 - oop
earned: $10.00 (lost $1.96)
$16.14 - (6) Sure deo @$2.69
- 6.00 - (6) $1 C
- 10.00 - paid with ecb
$ 0.14
$ 0.43 - tax
$0.57 oop
earned $9 (lost $1)
Next: Walgreens
only bought two Sunday papers = $4
Then: Walmart
The Walmart we went to is definitely not the greatest. I didn't buy most of what I wanted to get because their prices were high or they didn't carry it. Not a location I plan to frequent,
However, I did get a few things It doesn't show it - but I had more Powerade which I used my coupons on and got someoverage for other things - but we drank some of the Powerade - it was very hot out.
my receipt is in never-never land at the moment but oop was around $6.56
Then the coup de'tat: Publix
first transaction:
$53.92 - subtotal
$52.00 - coupons (I didn't even get to use all of them!)
$ 1.92 - subtotal
$ 1.72 - tax
$3.64 oop
second transaction:
$74.83 - subtotal
$68.00 - coupons(I should have put an item from the first order in this order)
$ 6.83 - subtotal(if I had, it would have been $4.75 less - oh well)
$ 2.08 - tax
$8.91 oop
GRAND TOTAL: $12.55 for $128.75 saving $116.20 or a 90.5%savings!!
(although with their sales the receipts state I saved $59.90 + $79.50 = $139.40)
amount spent today: $19.11
amount spent in July : $22.13
original amount available to spend: $100.00
amount available to spend for July : $77.80
Way to go. What a REWARDING day!!!!!
Wow!! You Did an awesome job!!
Cents To Save
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