Thursday, July 31, 2008
End of the Month
I don't have all of my receipts on hand. But I did go over budget a little. My final total was $126 and change for the whole month. Even though I went over my $100 budget, I am not stressed about it. I still spent way less than I would have normally. Also, $126 for a month's worth of groceries plus extras for the following month is pretty good.
Now to figure out my next challenge.
Monday, July 21, 2008
So much to do this week! I feel as though I am falling behind. And with the food that I have been buying - lol :) I am so happy to know that I have things on hand to make meals with instead of having to worry what is in the pantry. I may not have much stocked up, but it is easier now not having to search for staples.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
July 14, 2008 (and 15th)
my friend and I went shopping again - looks like Mondays will be our carpooling shopping trips. This will allow us to take advantage of the Publix $0.01 deal, too.
Our trip:
Unfortunately the only Kroger near us is remodeling and half the store is done, so they were moving all the products around - took a long time for us to find what we were looking for. But, we did okay. When we walked in, I went straight to CS and asked about competitor's coupons, the girl at the desk said yes, but the store mgr said not usually - however, he allowed the Publix $5/$35 coupon.
10 Cottonelle
3 brown sugar
4 powdered sugar
2 nesquick syrup
2 nesquick drinks
2 ocello 4packs
4 Turkey Hill Teas
4 BC brownie bowls
1 Perdue perfect portion chicken - mgr special
before coupons - $41.06 + tax
less coupons - $30
total with tax - $12.65
however, then I realized they didn't use my sugar coupons and went to CS and they refunded them to me . . . less $4.55 coupons
actual oop = $8.10
total savings = $$32.96
Next Target:
I needed dogfood and Target has the 44lb for $18 less a $2C. While there, I got a 2pack of Cheerio Crunch for $4.99 less $1 coupon on my free gift card from buying diapers last week - and it had store coupons for Cheerios which were 4/$7 and I had mfg coupons - so the Cheerios
were 4/$3 after coupons - with the dogfood - I paid $19.93 total (basically I paid for the dogfood and got the 6 boxes of Cheerios for free!)
I love Publix - did I say I LOVE Publix.? The district managers and store managers were there when we walked in - so I asked about the competitors' coupons to be sure. No Problem there.
three transactions:
before coupons - $40.23
less coupons - $39.85
after coupons - $0.38
total savings including sales = $44.61
total oop - $0.98
before coupons - $39.70
less coupons - $39.41
after coupons - $0.29
total savings including sales = $39.41
total oop - $0.81
before coupons - $47.56
less coupons - $37.23
total savings including sales = $50.98
after coupons - $10.33
total oop - $10.66
total oop for Publix - $11.45 (not all food though)
Total oop for the day - $39.48, which includes the dogfood
Total food oop for the day - will get back to you later after canning is done :)
Saturday, July 12, 2008
July 12, 2008
I went to a Scrapbook event yesterday and, of course, stopped by a few stores on my way.
Publix - they were awful about the coupons, I almost walked out without purchasing, but they took the coupons finally and I left with 8 bottles of Downy, 6 Koolaid and 2 boxes of Wheat Thins. $??
Kroger - I asked the store manager and he said they take competitors' coupons, including Publix - so I had a Publix $5/$35 to use - best store yet! everyone was so nice there - I wish they weren't so far away. $1.55
Publix - a different one - I got 7 half gallons of Organic Valley milk, 2 bottles of vitamins, 4 revlon tool, 8 Perrier water, and something else for $5 and change.
I will update with totals, numbers, and pictures soon.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
New Friends!
I met up with them at a Staples to load up on Purell, but it was sold out. We chatted for quite a while, then Jes took me to Publix to show me the ropes. They are all wonderful people, and Jes is sooo sweet - she even shared her coupons with me.
This is what I bought with her guidance:
My oop was a Whopping $0.69 (tax only)!
The cashier rang a few things up wrong - the cookies were bogo and he didn't do that - so to adjust it, he put the adjustment in as store coupons. When I mentioned it would throw my coupon count off, he said it would be okay. Well, he did have to push a few through and grumbled over that some, but I reminded him about the adjustments he put in, so he put them through. My incorrect total was $45.69 +tax less $49.18 coupons = $0.69 of tax. I don't fully understand how it happened, nor exactly what happened - but I do know if he had rung it up right - it would have been clearer.
So the interesting question : should I add the ENTIRE $0.69 to my food total? Some of what I bought was not food, but it is impossible to determine the correct amount on food :)
What do you think? I have added it to my Challenge Budget, but tell me what you think.
amount spent today: $0.69
amount spent in July : $22.82
original amount available to spend: $100.00
amount available to spend for July : $77.18
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Mega Food Trip!!
This was a 13 HOUR trip - because we went so many places and just took time to enjoy ourselves.
First Stop: STAPLES for the .01 back to school sale
The plan was to buy the maximums with each person in our group (we took our children)2-3 times each so we could get a sufficient amount of supplies. Turned out that Teachers have a different limit - 25 of each item!!!
Soooo - lol
I gave my children each $1.75 to get whatever they wanted as a learning experience.
So their totals and mine together:
pencils - 68
folders - 91
purell - 65
binders - 34
highlighters - 2
total oop for all that = $23.35
and some belongs to my mom - including one of the highlighters so less $4.99 and $1.21 = $6.20
and I will apply for the rebate on the highlighters so less $4.99
total will be = $12.16
Second Stop: TARGET
I did get diapers - but they are for my neice, so they don't count - :) At the Target dollar spot, they had black dot items 75% off !
I'm not listing any of it due to the fact that I got lots of Stocking Stuffers - but no food, so onward!
Third Stop: CVS first:
$27.96 - (4) Soleil refils
-16.00 - (4) $4 C
-11.96 - paid with ecb
$ 1.12 - tax
$1.12 - oop
earned: $10.00 (lost $1.96)
$16.14 - (6) Sure deo @$2.69
- 6.00 - (6) $1 C
- 10.00 - paid with ecb
$ 0.14
$ 0.43 - tax
$0.57 oop
earned $9 (lost $1)
Next: Walgreens
only bought two Sunday papers = $4
Then: Walmart
The Walmart we went to is definitely not the greatest. I didn't buy most of what I wanted to get because their prices were high or they didn't carry it. Not a location I plan to frequent,
However, I did get a few things It doesn't show it - but I had more Powerade which I used my coupons on and got someoverage for other things - but we drank some of the Powerade - it was very hot out.
my receipt is in never-never land at the moment but oop was around $6.56
Then the coup de'tat: Publix
first transaction:
$53.92 - subtotal
$52.00 - coupons (I didn't even get to use all of them!)
$ 1.92 - subtotal
$ 1.72 - tax
$3.64 oop
second transaction:
$74.83 - subtotal
$68.00 - coupons(I should have put an item from the first order in this order)
$ 6.83 - subtotal(if I had, it would have been $4.75 less - oh well)
$ 2.08 - tax
$8.91 oop
GRAND TOTAL: $12.55 for $128.75 saving $116.20 or a 90.5%savings!!
(although with their sales the receipts state I saved $59.90 + $79.50 = $139.40)
amount spent today: $19.11
amount spent in July : $22.13
original amount available to spend: $100.00
amount available to spend for July : $77.80
July 5, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008
July 4, 2008
A relaxing and peaceful day altogether.
We ran to Walmart for buns and I got carried away and didn't think and bought something. A good deal though, corn has been expensive lately.
corn = 4/$1 x3 = $3 + tax= $3.09
This will provide part of 2-3 meals
ETA * Thanks Jen - I was half asleep when I entered my totals, so yes I forgot the tax :)
amount spent today: $3.09
amount available to spend for July : $21.91
amount spent in July : $3.00
amount saved in July : $0.00
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Free Planter's Nuts
And BTW - if you don't want them, print them out and send them to me, please!
July 3, 2008
amount available to spend for July : $25.00
amount spent in July : $0.00
amount saved in July : $0.00
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
CVS trip
Almost impossible to accomplish because we are taxed on everything here.
My Card:
$ 13.96- (4) CVS Exfoliating cloths @ 3.49 each
- 8.00 - (4) $2 CVS coupons (she didn't want to do separate transactions)
$ 5.96
paid with two $3 ecbs (one marked down to $2.96)
$ 0.00
and NO tax
Zero oop
spent : $6.00 ecb
earned : $11.96 ecb
profit of $5.96
Mom's card:
$ 0.99 - CVS panty shields
$ 8.97 - (3) CVS makeup cloths @ $2.99 ea
- 6.00 - (3) $2 CVS coupons
used a $4 ecb marked down
$ 0.00
and no tax
Zero oop again!
spent : $4.00 ecb
earned : $0.99; $8.97 = $9.96
profit of $5.96
woohoo - I may get used to this - I don't ming losing a few pennies, especially since they were free anyways.
Savings = $23.92 or 100% savings
Day 2 - July 2, 2008
Then a quick trip to the library - where the kids turned in their time and received tickets and vouchers for Free Food! A stop for Free Pizzas from some of their vouchers.
Then to CVS - where I got the facial cloths (I will post my transaction later) using coupons and a $3.00 ecb and spent $0.00 oop - no tax that round.
Heading to BBW shortly to use coupons for Free items and take advantage of their 75% off sale.
*Went to Bath & Body Works to use some free coupons. Got 7 bottles of 2 oz lotion; 1 bottle of body splash; 2 tubes of antibacterial hand lotion; 1 lip tint; and 1 breathe body lotion
total sale price = $20.00 +tax
total oop = $6.42
All these items were on sale and I have no clue as to their original price, but I saved $13.58 and savings of 67.9%
(this doesn't count towards the grocery deal though - it isn't food or edible and it is for Christmas presents)
For food today:
breakfast - cereal
dinner - kids had free pizza from the library reading program - I had a slice of each pizza
supper - Bertolli pasta from my Wags deals last week
amount available to spend for July : $25.00
amount spent in July : $0.00
amount saved in July : $0.00
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
How to figure your Savings Percentage
add together all your original price
add together your oop
subtract oop from original
equals amount saved
then divide amount saved by original price
move decimal over two spots
your savings percentage!
Go Tip a Cow
In honor of our Bovine-themed Benefactors,
it is requested that you don appropriate costumes
and make your way,
without delay,
to the nearest Chick-fil-a.
Where you will receive a tasty treat for your attire.
Thank you to for the advance heads-up
Day One - July 1, 2008
However; I did find time to run to the post office for mail call (got a few rebates in) and the I went to the Recycling Center - can you say JACKPOT!! I got inserts from the last few weeks - my stack was 6 inches tall - I hope to post a picture soon - AND I got 7 of the Parade Magazines from 6.22.08 that had the Free Cheese coupons in them. So I shall be using them on my July Challenge.
For food today - lol - we had cereal that I got free last week, and I had Deli Creations that I got for $0.50 each due to markdowns and coupons on Saturday. Exciting!
I have been doing a bit of research and chatting with other Challengers on what I hope to accomplish and where I will shop this week. So I will check back in soon.
amount available to spend for July : $25.00
amount spent in July : $0.00
amount saved in July : $0.00
A July Challenge
The budget amount is for groceries; not gas, prescriptions, HBA - just food items. I still plan to CVS and roll my ecbs. I am not including them as it is a grocery budget.